The Journal

Sandalwood, India, 2006

Sandalwood, India, 2006

In 2006, the Department of Posts India released a miniature sheet on sandalwood, the first ever scented stamps of India that carried the aroma of sandal.

Indian Leopard, Ceylon, 1970

Indian Leopard, Ceylon, 1970

Ceylon, as Sri Lanka was earlier called, released a postage stamp on Indian Leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) as part of its series on Wild animals in 1970.

Greater One Horned Rhinoceros, 2000

Greater One Horned Rhinoceros, 2000

The Greater One Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) is the largest of the rhino species endemic to the Indian subcontinent. It is identified by a single horn, 8-25 inches in length, and folds if grey-brown skin that gives the appearance of an armour.

African Tulip Tree, 1961

African Tulip Tree, 1961

Gabon (official: Gabonese Republic), is a country in Central Africa, known for its wildlife and natural resources. It is home to more than half of the wild African elephants, chimpanzees and gorillas.

Silver and Cast Iron, 1988

Silver and Cast Iron, 1988

György Lengyel was a Hungarian graphic artist and engraver who brought his own distinctive style to stamp design.

Geese and Tortoise, 2001

Geese and Tortoise, 2001

Panchatantra is one of the most translated literary works from India, having been translated into more than 50 languages.

Athletics Munich 1972

Athletics Munich 1972

The Munich Summer Olympics of 1972 was held from 26th August to 11th September of the year, in Munich, a city in what was then known as West Germany.

Wood Church, 1910

Wood Church, 1910

Wooden Orthodox Church – Worochta, 1910, is a painting by Leon Wyczółkowski, exhibited in the National Museum in Krakow, Poland.